Make plans now to submit an abstract for oral presentation or for the poster session at AAB’s Educational Conference and CRB Symposium, April 29 -May 2, 2025, at the JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort & Spa in Las Vegas (Summerlin), Nevada. Authors are encouraged to submit titles and abstracts for consideration in the assisted reproductive technologies (andrology, embryology, endocrinology) or the traditional medical laboratory sciences (chemistry, microbiology, hematology, immunology, molecular diagnostics, public health).
All abstracts submitted are eligible for consideration for one of two $500 cash prizes.
Abstracts for oral presentation are limited to assisted reproductive technology. Abstracts for poster presentations will be accepted in the areas of assisted reproductive technology and traditional medical laboratory science. AAB/CRB membership is not a requirement for submitting an abstract. There is no limit to the number of abstracts you may author. The first author or person submitting an abstract(s) must register for the Conference/Symposium and present the oral presentation and Q&A or be present during the poster session. Oral abstract presentations are tentatively scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, April 30, from 3:30-5:30 p.m. The poster session will be held on Wednesday evening, April 30, in conjunction with the Welcome and Poster Session Reception, 6-7 p.m.
Fill out the online Abstract Submission Form and attach your abstract(s). The deadline date for submission of abstracts is March 15, 2025. Type your abstract(s) using the guidelines below. Click to view a “Sample Abstract."
Membership in the AAB and the CRB is not a requirement for submitting an abstract. There is no limit to the number of abstracts you may author. The first author or person submitting an abstract(s) must register for the Conference/Symposium and present the oral presentation and Q&A or be present during the poster session.
Indicate on the Abstract Submission Form the category your abstract falls under and how you would like to present your paper. If you have more than one abstract, you will have to fill out one Abstract Submission Form for each abstract submitted.
Abstracts and presentations should be in English.
Abstracts should be submitted as Microsoft® Word files.
Abbreviations used in abstracts must be defined. Abbreviations are permitted in titles if they immediately follow the term being abbreviated and are enclosed in parentheses. If used in the text, they should be defined at first mention if not already defined in the title.
ACCME guidelines require generic names be used for pharmaceuticals, biologics, and medical devices. The trade name of the particular product used in a study may be included in parentheses the first time the product is referenced. The trade name may be used if the product is the only one of its general type and use of the generic name would encumber the reader.
Margins: Type your paper with 1-inch margins on the top, bottom, and sides. This will give an image area of 6-1/2 x 9 inches; do not place any text outside of this image area. If you are using A4 paper (210 x 297 mm), set the margins so that your text (image) area is 6-1/2 x 9 inches.
Abstract Organization: Abstracts shall be organized using the headings listed below. Headings should be typed in bold, followed by a : (colon) and two spaces, then begin typing the text, no bold.
Text Font and Format: Use one standard serif font throughout your abstract, preferably Times Roman font (e.g., CG Times, Times Roman, Times New Roman) in 11 pt. Line spacing should be single.
Type the title of the abstract - centered, in bold, 14 pt. and capitalize important words. The title is the only part of the abstract that should be typed in 14 pt. Leave one blank line, then on the second line type the authors' names – centered and no bold. You may have up to six authors. Last name should be typed first followed by the initial of the first name (Smith, M., Jones, A. and F. Wilson). On the next line type the organization name and the location – centered and no bold. If the authors have different affiliations, then list them as shown on the “Sample Abstract.”
The body of the abstract should be typed full justification and no bold except for the headlines – let the text wrap, no hard returns except when starting a new heading or paragraph. There should be one blank line between headings and paragraphs.
Length of Abstract: Abstracts are limited to 390 words. This does not include the title, authors, organization or location.
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Sponsors as of 2/14/2025
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