Assessing Euploid Status in Day 5 or Day 6 Blastocysts Among Patients Whose Embryo Cohorts Undergo Both Normal and Delayed Blastulation, by Hanson, B.; Tiegs, A.; Kim, J.; Osman, E.; Neal, S.; and Scott, R.T., Jr.

Assessing Mitochondrial Quantity and Ranking (Mitoscore) in Euploid Single Embryo Frozen Transfers Demonstrates a Lower Mitoscore is Significantly Better, by Arifova, M.; Johnson, D.; Haimowitz, Z.; Danzer, H.; and Barritt, J.

Evaluation of Cryogenic Dewar Health Using a Weight-Based Monitoring System, by Guns, W.; Andrea, J.; Ma, Y.; Tsai, J.; Woodford, M.; and Jones, J.

Granulosa Cell Mitochondrial Substrate Metabolism Rates Differ Between Older and Younger Patients, by Kordus, R.J.; Ewing, J.A.; and LaVoie, H.A.

High DNA Stainability in the SCSA® is Associated with Poor Embryo Development and Lower Implantation Rate, by Booze, M.; Brannian, J.; Von Wald, T.; Hansen, K.; Kasperson, K.; and Evenson, D.

Keep or Toss? A Retrospective Evaluation of the Benefits from Culturing 0PN 1PB Embryos Zygotes After ~18hrs Post ICSI, by Picou, A.; Werland, H.; Staha, A.; Silverberg, K.; and VerMilyea, M.D.

Repeated High Intensity Laser Biopsy Pulses Do Not Alter Genetic Testing Results nor Increases Mosaicism Following Human Embryo Blastocyst Biopsy of Trophectoderm Cells, by Johnson, D.; Haimowitz, Z.; Arifova, M.; Akopians, A.; Welch, C.; and Barritt, J.

Thrice Vitrified and Warmed, Twice Biopsied Embryo Originating from a Cohort of Unfertilized Eggs Resulted in Live Birth: A Case Report, by Wilkinson, S.; Cunningham, A.; Murray, R.; Scotchie, J.; and Jones, A.

Workflow Patterns Effect pH Variance in the Microdroplet Culture System, by Olds, S.; Geelhood, S.; Crecraft, L.; Rhead, E.; and Haydock, P.


Are You “Kidding?” A Case of Lupus with Autoanti-Jka, by Ashley, L.; Faux, J.; Leach, K.;Hicks, W.; Merayo, J.; and Lough, C.

Benefits of Performing Laser Hatching at the Time of Trophectoderm Biopsy, by Wininger J.D.; Arning, R.; and Tucker, J.

Blastocyst Formation and Pregnancy Rate Comparison Between Standard Large Box (Sanyo) Incubators and a Novel Geri® Time-Lapse Incubator, by Picou, A.; Werland, H.; Silverberg, K.M.; and VerMilyea, M.D.

Case of Recurrent Spontaneous Parthenogenetic Oocyte Activation, by Osman, E.K.; Hong, K.H.; and Scott, R.T., Jr.

Continuous Monitoring of Incubator and Cryotank Parameters, by Koduru, A.; Devineni, S.; Halicigil, C.; Mesen, T.; Yalcinkaya, T.; and Angle, M.

Does Culture of Embryos in an Ultra-Low (2%) Oxygen Environment Yield Better Blastocyst Development than 6% Oxygen Using Time-Lapse Morphokinetics?, by Kashar, K.; Cochran, R.; Hamilton, D.; David, A.; Henkel, R.; Gibbons, W.; and Blesson, C.S.

Embryos with no Initial PGT-A Result Can Undergo Warming/Rebiopsy/Revitrification for an Attempted Reanalysis, However They Ultimately Demonstrate Very Low Clinical Potential, by Johnson, D.; Ramos, N.; Haimowitz, Z.; Surrey, M.; Danzer, H.; and Barritt, J.

Finding a Better Mouse Model for Quality Control and Research Studies in the IVF Laboratory, by Kaskar, K.; Cochran, R.; Hamilton, D.; David, A.; Henkel, R.; Gibbons, W.; and Blesson, C.S.

Increased Expansion and Decreased Contraction of Embryos Corresponds to Increased Clinical Pregnancy Rates in Single FET Cycles, by Caprell, H.; Connerney, M.; Boylan, C.; Moyer, M.; Koelper, N.; Mersereau, J.; and Berger, D.

Insulin and IGF-1 Does Not Alter the Morphokinetics of Mouse Embryo Development, by Kaskar, K.; Cochran, R.; Hamilton, D.; David, A.; Henkel, R.; Gibbons, W.; and Blesson, C.S.

Molecular Aspects of Aneuploidy in Preimplantation Human Embryos: A Mini-Review, by Stolakis, V. and Bertero, M.C.

Preimplantation Embryo Ploidy Status Correlates With Morphokinetic Cell Cycle Timing, by White, A.; Dulaj, D.; Lamicchane, R.; Dogan, S.; Li, F.; Fakih, M.H.; Shamma, N.F.; Hammoud, A.; and Khan, I.

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