CRB Newsletter - Vol. 6, No. 2





Special Interest Group of the American Association of Bioanalysts (AAB)
906 Olive Street, Suite 1200, Saint Louis, MO 63101-1448
Phone: (314)241-1445 • Fax: (314)241-1449 Email: • Website:



Jean Popwell

From the Editor:

Welcome to the second publication of the CRB Newsletter for 2016. (CRB articles appear in the box on the right). This is my first CRB publication as president elect, and I hope that you find it both informative and somewhat entertaining.

I know most of you enjoyed this year’s AAB meeting at the Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas. The main talks, abstract and poster presenters as well as roundtables were excellent, and I felt that everyone left having acquired a little more knowledge about what we try to accomplish every day in our own IVF labs. Another brilliant hit was the two-day CRB Workshop on Quality Manual Essentials and Risk Management. I believe this workshop will be requested again as we all strive to work towards laboratory excellence. Inside this newsletter you will find a more in-depth article about our past meeting, written by our past president, Carli Chapman, ELD/TS(ABB), who with her committee, produced an exceptional CRB Symposium.

As in previous CRB publications I have asked our current CRB president, Gerry Celia, PhD, HCLD/TS(ABB) and each of our new committee chairs to write about their plans for the upcoming year and how we may incorporate new technology and ideas into our CRB organization and symposium.

As we delve into planning the 2017 CRB Symposium in Houston Texas, we hope that you will provide us with feedback on this year’s meeting and pass on your thoughts and ideas about what you would like to experience at next year’s meeting. Stanley Harris, ELD/TS(ABB), and his committee will work on putting together a great meeting, but we want to incorporate as many new and exciting topics from our field. So, if you have any comments or suggestions, please contact me at I would love to hear what we are already doing well, but also what needs improvement, to provide everyone with the type of CRB newsletter, website, and services you need.

Please enjoy the latest edition,

Jean M. Popwell, PhD, HCLD/CC(ABB)


CRB News Articles

2016 CRB Symposium

From the CRB President

CRB Meeting Committee

CRB Standing Rules Committee

CRB Legislative Committee

Save The Dates
   2017 Andrology and Embryology Review Course
   2017 CRB Symposium - May 18-20


2014 A&E Review Course Online

WEBINAR - Direct Patient Access to Laboratory
Test Results: What You Must Do to Comply

Current CRB Officers

CRB Standing Rules - Log in to view

CRB History

AAB History


    CRB Education Committee

    The CRB Education Committee's volunteers work to develop resources to promote the field of reproductive biology and support the profession.

    2025 CRB Workshop/Symposium

    Join us for CRB's return to the JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort & Spa for the 2025 Optional Pre-Conference CRB Workshop: Unlocking the Next Generation of IVF Labs (Tuesday, April 29) and 27th Annual CRB Symposium: IVF - The Evolution and Future of the Reproductive Laboratory (Wednesday-Friday, April 30-May 2).


    The College of Reproductive Biology shares the most up-to-date news and updates on LinkedIn!