
The College of Reproductive Biology (CRB) is a not-for-profit special interest group of the American Association of Bioanalysts (AAB).
In this issue:
From the President
As I am finishing my term as CRB president, I would like to thank you all again for the strong support to our committees...
Meeting Committee
The CRB Meeting Committee is pleased to announce the calendar of virtual events for the 2021 Symposium...
Legislative Committee
The Legislative Committee has been focused on two agenda items...
Credentialing and Membership Committee - Survey on Impact of COVID-19
As COVID-19 substantially impacted many of our clinics for much of 2020, the Credentialing and Membership Committee...
Publication Committee
We would like to congratulate our new incoming CRB Officers and Board Members...
2021-2022 CRB Officers and Board Members
Congratulations to CRB’s 2021-2022 officers and board members...
Earn ABB/PEER CE Credit Attending Select 2021 ASRM Virtual Post-Graduate Courses
Ten of ASRM’s virtual post-graduate courses have been approved by ABB/PEER...
2022 CRB Symposium
Start planning your trip to Austin, Texas, for the 2022 CRB Symposium, May 11-14...
Preventing Cryostorage Failure: What Have We Learned?
Over the past year, the AAB/CRB has reminded us of the importance of quality management in our ART laboratories...
Digital QA – The Future of ART Lab Management
Staff competency and related metrics are the number one most cited IVF laboratory inspection deficiency...
Board Certification for Andrology and Embryology Laboratory Professionals
Are you interested in board certification or upgrading to a higher level...
Important Links
- Job Hunting? Looking to Hire? Visit the AAB Career Center
- AAB Proficiency Testing – Check Our Prices!
- Professional, General Liability Insurance
- CRB COVID-19 News and Information Center
- Continuing Education Calendar
- ABOR, ABB Certification
Be sure to follow CRB on social media