25th Annual CRB Symposium


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Special Interest Group of the American Association of Bioanalysts (AAB)

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25th Annual CRB Symposium, May 13-15, 2021

The 2021 CRB Meeting Committee is excited to have a finalized schedule for the 25th Annual CRB Symposium to be held in person at the AT&T Hotel and Conference Center located on the University of Texas campus in Austin, Texas.

CRB and AAB leaders are committed to hosting the annual educational meetings and sharing the opportunity to learn, exchange ideas and visit in person. Coronavirus developments will continue to be monitored closely during the coming months, and options for the event are being explored should we be unable to safely hold it in person.

All plans now are for a live event, and we look forward to seeing and visiting with each of you in person.

Click here to see a preliminary schedule for the 25th Annual CRB Symposium.

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CRB Newsletter, Vol 9, No 3 ⇒

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