From the President


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Special Interest Group of the American Association of Bioanalysts (AAB)

From the President
Dara S. Berger, Ph.D., HCLD/TS(ABB)

I am honored and excited to assume the role of CRB President. Inside this newsletter you will find updates from your new committee chairs and their goals for the coming year. There are many new participants in these roles, and all have big plans.

As a group we are looking to promote CRB communication this upcoming year. The Legislative Committee will be organizing and informing members regarding policies and politics surrounding reproductive medicine. The Membership Committee is actively working to increase visibility on social media and grow membership. As many of you have already seen, there is a new Facebook page that the Membership Committee created. And the Publications Committee is committed to finding topics of interest to CRB members which will be featured in upcoming newsletters. The Meeting Committee is planning the next meeting, which will be held in Orlando. Abstract submission for posters and orals have never been more competitive.

I would like to highlight that each committee chair is supported by committee members, all of who have volunteered their time. And I want to thank them in advance for taking on CRB responsibilities this upcoming year.

Other exciting news includes AAB hosting a reception Saturday, October 12 at ASRM! I hope to see many of you there.

Dara Berger, President & Chair, Executive Committee Chair

Credentialing and Membership Committee

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