CRB Newsletter Vol. 7, No. 1


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Special Interest Group of the American Association of Bioanalysts (AAB)

In this issue:

From the President
The new leadership usually takes over in May after the AAB-CRB meeting. This year we are delayed with Bill Roudebush stepping down and having a special election for my term to begin. This means I don’t get the year of observing the CRB President and go straight into the Presidency. My passion is education of the next generation of embryologists...

CRB Legislative Committee
I am honored to assume the role of Legislative Committee Chair for the next two years. Thank you for trusting me with this big task. The term indeed started with a BANG! ...

CRB Meeting Committee
I am very excited to announce that the next AAB Conference and CRB Symposium will be held in New Orleans, May 16-18, 2019! New Orleans is a Louisiana city on the Mississippi River, near the Gulf of Mexico. Nicknamed the "Big Easy,"...

CRB Standing Rules Committee
The Standing Rules committee for the CRB reviews and updates the Standing Rules documents. The updates are initiated by leadership and membership recommendations. The Rules have been unchanged for quite a number of years as it is a large undertaking to change them...

2018 CRB Symposium Recap
The 22nd annual CRB/AAB meeting held in beautiful Orlando, Florida, was another successful and enlightening meeting with the focus on emerging and current technologies. Thanks to our wonderful organizing committee for inviting a great group of speakers...


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