Special Interest Group of the American Association of Bioanalysts (AAB)
906 Olive Street, Suite 1200, Saint Louis, MO 63101-1448
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2015 CRB Symposium Call For Abstracts - March 10 Deadline
Stan Harris,
Greetings everyone,
Welcome to the spring 2015 edition of the CRB Newsletter. (Articles appear in the box at the right.) This is that time of year we ready ourselves for a number of important professional gatherings. I am particularly fond of the Embryology Summit in Madison, Wisconsin each spring. It’s nice to see small regional meetings taking place in other locations as well. Of course the big event each and every year is our annual pilgrimage to the desert, the AAB Annual Meeting & Educational Conference, and concurrent CRB Symposium in Las Vegas.
Marina Gvakharia, Ph.D., HCLD(ABB) previews this year’s CRB symposium being held at The Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas, May 14-16. The preliminary schedule looks to be both timely and stimulating. Marina has even provided us with a referenced outline in preparation for the Keynote Speaker, Dr. Shoukrat Mitalipov and his talk entitled “Is three a crowd? An update on nuclear transfer, cloning, and other exciting stories”. Additionally, Marina has continued the ongoing tradition of providing cutting edge access to the latest technologies. This year, the two-day CRB workshop will precede the meeting on Tuesday May 12 and Wednesday May 13, and will feature hands-on experience with time-lapse equipment and protocols. Space in these hands-on workshops will be limited to maximize the training received by participants, so if you are interested in making time-lapse in your lab as simple as an Easy Bake Oven, please register early. For more details about the meeting, please check out Marina’s article in this newsletter.
Our current CRB President, Carli Chapman, ELD/TS(ABB), has written an excellent piece describing the effort that goes into the CRB Symposia. From venue selection, to speaker and workshop selection, the effort is nothing short of a small miracle. Please take a look at some of her insight into what makes those few special days in May click. Guess what? You can be a part of it, too! Volunteers are always needed for committees and National officers. More on that in a minute. Carli has also put together a nice review of the scientific highlights of the Annual ASRM Meeting in Honolulu, HI this past October. As is often the case, a large contingency of CRB members participated in this annual conference with posters, oral presentations and round tables. For a quick synopsis of key topics, please review Carli’s article.
Shane Zozula, ELD/TS(ABB), the legislative committee chair has provided some important information regarding a very busy FDA this past year, as well, as highlighting some impending FDA proposed guidances. This is one area that requires ever vigilant surveillance. Each one of us should be cognizant of what is happening to our field and our professional status in our own back yards. Please take a moment and familiarize yourself to the billowing regulatory cloud that swirls above us.
Lastly, the time to think about how we contribute to the ongoing success of the CRB is upon us. I grew up in a small farming community in Northeast Nebraska. While it wasn’t exactly a one-cow-town, we were often just a stutter step behind when it came to technology. I still recall transitioning from black and white TV with vacuum tubes to solid state color TVs, from telephone “party lines” to having our own phone number, and from that black rotary desk phone to the mini pc disguised as the phone I carry in my pocket. Some of you can only imagine the thrill of watching the lunar landing module touch down on the surface of the moon, or the resignation of Richard Nixon following months of spiraling public distrust. And some of us in this esteemed organization were young scientists themselves at the time Drs. Steptoe and Edwards broke open the flood gates of ART. All this before the 24 hour news cycle was a glimmer in the eye of Ted Turner. Yup, in those days you had to wait for your news fix.
It was awesome growing up in the latter half of the 20th century. I am excited to see what the younger generations of CRB members can do! Each year I find myself amazed at the breakthroughs in ART. You need look no further than at this year’s keynote lecture, or our workshop on time-lapse. These things could not be brought to you if not for the generosity of the speakers, the sponsors, and the volunteers who give their time, energy, and intellect. And that’s where you come in. A good many of my adult philosophies were developed during a childhood spent watching shows such as Kung Fu, MASH, and Star Trek. I only wish I could remember when, but somewhere through it all I learned that the laziest muscles in the human body are often the ones you use to thrust your hand high in the air. Volunteering is a fulfilling exercise of mind, body, and spirit, and one that serves to make you fit in all three. Soon, It will be my turn as President of the CRB. It is my hope, that I can further develop the CRB into the best 800-plus volunteer force in ART. I dare say, it just might start with some calisthenics…
So if you are interested in actively participating in the College of Reproductive Biology (yes, you are), please let the AAB-CRB office or any of the officers know you want to join the workout.
But for now, please enjoy this edition of the CRB Newsletter.
Stanley G. Harris, BS, TS/ELD(ABB)