CRB Newsletter, Vol 3, No. 2





Special Interest Group of the American Association of Bioanalysts (AAB)
906 Olive Street, Suite 1200, Saint Louis, MO 63101-1448
Phone: (314)241-1445 • Fax: (314)241-1449 Email: • Website:

Carli Chapman, BS, TS/ELD(ABB)

Hello All, 

Welcome to the new edition of the CRB Newsletter!  (Articles appear in the box at the right.) Wow, we have been busy since our last newsletter.

We completed a very successful 2013 CRB educational meeting in Las Vegas.  Dean Morbeck, Ph.D., HCLD/CC(ABB),  reports on the meeting highlights in this newsletter. 

Our upcoming annual CRB educational meeting is chaired by Mark Dow, Ph.D., HCLD(ABB), this year.  Mark and his committee are putting together a well-rounded program, including a trophectoderm biopsy workshop prior to the start of the meeting.  The meeting will be held at the beautiful Red Rock Resort, Las Vegas, in May 2014. The location for the 2014 may once again be Las Vegas but the Red Rock Resort is a VERY different place. Checkout all the amenity and local activities at their website.  Please see Mark’s report in this newsletter about the speakers and topics.

Stan Harris, ELD/TS(ABB), the legislative committee chair has drafted a personhood statement.  This movement and its potential impact on our profession and patients cannot be ignored.  Please read the committee’s statement and get involved!

Once again, the CRB is asking all members to participate in question-writing efforts for the ABB board examinations.  This is our chance to improve upon the ABB examinations.  Additionally, the AAB has medical technologist certifications focused on embryology and andrology which are under-utilized.  Please consider having all of your bench technologists obtain certification in their areas of expertise. Gerry Celia, Ph.D., HCLD/TS(ABB), is the chair of our credentialing committee and is a resource for members wishing to participate.

The standing rules committee is working to prepare CRB Standing Rules and SOPs for publication on our website.  Sangita Jindal, Ph.D., HCLD(ABB),  and the entire executive board of CRB will be working on designing some best practices reports as reference materials.  These will be available on the CRB website.  The CRB website is a dynamic site and we welcome all suggestions to improve the site for you, our members.   Contact the AAB Office with your suggestions at

Reproductive BioMedicine Online (RBM Online) is still available to members in good standing for the (amazing) price of $80.00 US.  This is a quality publication that our members should take advantage of.

As always, we value member participation in our numerous committees, and you can volunteer by contacting our current president, Marina Gvakharia, M.D., Ph.D., HCLD/ELD(ABB)/MT(AAB).

Please take time to read our entire newsletter as it is packed with really useful information.

Carli Chapman, BS, TS/ELD(ABB)


CRB Education Committee

The CRB Education Committee's volunteers work to develop resources to promote the field of reproductive biology and support the profession.

2025 CRB Workshop/Symposium

Join us for CRB's return to the JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort & Spa for the 2025 Optional Pre-Conference CRB Workshop: Unlocking the Next Generation of IVF Labs (Tuesday, April 29) and 27th Annual CRB Symposium: IVF - The Evolution and Future of the Reproductive Laboratory (Wednesday-Friday, April 30-May 2).


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